22 Times The 2016 Presidential Election Was A Dumpster Fire

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Photo by JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images.

5. Carly Fiornia Crashes Pre-School Field Trip

In light of the last election recap, we’ve brought a whole new meaning to “partner-in-crime.” However, former Republican candidate and former potential VP to Cruz, Carly Fiorina, had a moment which came across in poorer taste. While it’s normal for politicians to seek photo-ops with children, the parent is usually the first person asked about it. In Fiorina’s case, pre-school children viewing botanical gardens in Iowa were dropped into her political rally.

Instead of continuing their intended trip, the children were made to sit with Fiorina. With no parents present, this move was dubious at best. Regardless of the views of their caretaker, one should always make sure to respect minors and their privacy. Having them sit in front of cameras alone with her was not a good idea.

What makes the incident even more upsetting is the subject matter of her forum. Fiorina was giving a pro-life speech which graphically described what could happen to a fetus. Not only did Fiorina expose those children to a difficult subject in an awful way, she used them as a political prop. It’d be upsetting even if she did ask their parents’ permission, but as she did not there’s no question that it was inappropriate.