22 Times The 2016 Presidential Election Was A Dumpster Fire

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Photo by MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images.

7. Yes We Can (Plagiarize)

Although Melania Trump isn’t running for office, should her husband win the presidency, she will have a role to play. In recent years, First Ladies have chosen an issue and become an advocate. For Michelle Obama, that issue was healthy eating, and she certainly has made an impact in activism. In fact, the FLOTUS is so inspiring that someone from the Trump campaign decided that Melania should follow her example. And that she did, almost word for word during her Republican National Convention speech.

When describing the values she holds and those which she wishes to impress upon her children, she repeated words that Michelle Obama had spoken in 2008’s Democratic Convention with only a word changed here and there. Though it’s rarely expected that politicians and their families come up with their own speeches, what usually happens is that a speech writer does the leg work. In this case, it seems that Trump’s campaign meant to model her speech after Obama’s but instead left a section almost entirely untouched.

Given that the Trump team didn’t seem to raise a stink over it, the action was probably a mistake. But it diminishes what little integrity the Trump campaign might have.