Game of Thrones Season 7: Spoilers, Spoilers Everywhere

Game of Thrones hasn’t stopped filming just because spoilers keep leaking, but did a major set of purported leaks get confirmed?

Warning: Game of Thrones spoilers are heady things. Prepare yourselves accordingly, even if that means fleeing in terror.

The night is dark and full of spoilers. Carice van Houten as Melisandre in HBO’s Game of Thrones. Image via HBO.

If you’ll recall, a purported set of spoilers claiming to reveal a majority of the plot in Game of Thrones‘ seventh season have already hit the Internet. So far, we have said that they seem like wise guesses more than actual spoilers.

That may no longer be the case. The spoiler timeline states that Jon, Daenerys, Cersei, and more will meet in the Dragonpit to have a strategy session about handling the White Walkers. Now, Watchers on the Wall (with a tip of the hat to our sister site, Winter is Coming) has reported that all of those actors and actresses have filmed a scene in the ruins of Italica.

Additionally, Conleth Hill (Varys), Iain Glen (Jorah), Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson (Gregor Clegane), and more have also been spotted there. Reportedly, the point of this scene is to bring a wight down to meet Cersei and Dany to prove that the Walkers exist. One wonders why Lyanna Mormont did not insist on seeing a wight for herself in Season 6.

We’ll retreat into our silly story realm now. One long Hamilton reference follows.

Two queens and a king walk into a Dragonpit, diametrically opposed foes. They may emerge with a compromise, having opened gates that were previously closed (opposed.) The immigrant emerges with unprecedented dragon power and a system she can shape however she wants. The Lannisters emerge with the nation’s capital. And here’s the pièce de résistance!

No one else was in
The Pit where it happened
The Pit where it happened
The Pit where it happened
No one else was in
The Pit where it happened
The Pit where it happened
The Pit where it happened
Westeros knows how the game is played
The art of the trade
How the Iron Throne gets made

The people of Westeros will probably just assume that the deal happens. But no one else was in the pit when it happened.

Jaime claims! Jon Snow was on Dany’s doorstep one day In distress ‘n disarray Jaime claims! Tyrion said “I’ve nowhere else to turn”, and basic’ly begged the Lannisters to join the fray. Jaime claims! “I approached Cersei and said, I know you hate ‘im, but let’s hear what he has to say. Jaime claims “Well, I arranged the meeting, I arranged the menu, the venue, the seating….” BUT No one else was in
The Pit where it happened….

Meanwhile! Cersei is grappling with the fact that not ev’ry issue can be settled by Wildfire. Meanwhile! The Ironborn fighting over which one is the King or Queen. (It isn’t pretty.)

Then Jaime approaches with a dinner and invite…. And Cersei responds with Lannister insight… Maybe we can solve one problem with another and win a victory for the Southerners, in other words….Oh ho…A quid pro quo! Wouldn’t you like our armies a little closer to home? (Actually Jaime would!) Well she’ll propose King’s Landing. And we’ll provide him his boats? Well, we’ll see home it goes.

My God In GRRM we trust…But we’ll never really know what got discussed! (Click-boom) then it happened… But no one else was in the Pit where it happened.

Hey Jon Snow and Tyrion, What did they say to you to get you to sell King’s Landing down the river? Hey Jon Snow and Tyrion: Did Dany know about the dinner? Was there Dragon Mother pressure to deliver? Hey Jon Snow and Tyrion…. Or did you know, even then, it doesn’t matter where you put the Westerosi Capital?

‘Cause we’ll have the White Walkers. They’re in the same spot. We got more than we gave. And we wanted what we got. Jon Snow has no illusions about the danger of the White Walker threat. But to play the game, he has to put skin in the game. But you don’t get a win unless you bring white walker skin to the game. Oh, he’ll get love for it, he’ll get hate for it. But the audience will get nothing while we wait for it, wait for it, wait

GRRM help and forgive them
The show wants to build something that’s gonna outlive them

What do you want, GRRM
What do you want, GRRM
If you stand for nothing
GRRM, then what do you fall for?….

Did he really bring a White Walker or a wight, though?

(Actually, lots of other people were in the pit when it happened, but the reference was too good to pass up.)

Next: Poldark Recap: Every Day I'm Smugglin'

Game of Thrones will fly back onto screens in 2017.