Poldark Season 2: Episode 6 Recap “Erryday I’m Smugglin’ Smugglin'”

Poldark’s smuggling side business heats up in all the wrong ways as a disastrous trip to see Mark Daniel threatens to ruin another of Enys’ relationships.

After all the courtroom drama, the death by drownings and the ugly Christmases, it was time for Poldark to go back to what it does best. When the show sits down and starts intersecting the pieces, instead of having them slide along on parallel tracks, everything clicks. We saw that last season around the middle of the season. This time it took a little longer to get all cylinders firing, but once we did, it was an episode that was off to the races.

"Ros: “The noble art of Cornish wrestling!”"

It helped this week that the unending feud between Warleggan and Poldark was (mostly) on the back burner this week. It mostly consisted of George harassing Elizabeth from off screen with endless warnings, which I assume were telling her those awful smugglers would come to her house and rob her any minute. (Those smugglers, who, as we know, are Ross himself. Good thing Aunt Agatha didn’t actually have to use that pistol, or there might have been more funerals in the making.)

Image via BBC

Still, the entire episode has Elizabeth in a tizzy, especially when she comes running for Ross to protect her, and Demelza gives her that look you give the that girl who keeps commenting on all your husband’s Facebook posts. The upshot though is that when we do get back to the Warleggan/Poldark Fight For Elizabeth, George now has even more of an upper hand than he already did. (Being, you know, not married and having, you know, actual money.)

"Agatha: “Better to rely on one’s own reserves.”"

In fact, Poldark himself was somewhat on the back burner for a time this week, first sidelining himself to go on an ill advised fool’s errand to see Mark Daniel of all people. The “Previously” helpfully reminded us of who he was: the guy who ruined Dr. Enys’ last relationship by being married to the woman in question, and being a drunken domestic abuser who murdered her in a fit of rage and was shipped off to not face consequences. But before Daniel did all these things, he mentioned he might have seen a bit o’copper around those mining parts, and Ross is single mindedly still trying to make copper happen so Francis didn’t die in vein…err vain.

Image via BBC

With Ross off on the mission, that leaves Dwight Enys headlining the hour back home. But with Daniel back in the mix, how long before his plans to elope with Caroline to a live of oranges and hats is derailed? Turns out, the answer was slightly longer than an hour–we won’t learn his fate until next week. (Sorry everyone!) But in the time we had with him this week, it was a regular episode of The Doctor Dwight Mysteries. From a simple case of Rosina’s Knee to tracking down the Smuggling Informant, the only thing Dwight was missing was his own Watson by his side. Perhaps if he’d had one, it would have kept him from letting loose on Charlie.

"Caroline: “Come Horace, I see we must gather your toys for our journey.”"

Certainly Ross wasn’t going to stop him. Ross was useless in terms of a watch either–by the time all was said and done, Enys wakes up from being arrested by the militia and knocked out cold with the discovery that Caroline has left for London, assuming she’s been stood up on the whole elopement thing. Please, Horace, don’t let her leave! Enys, ride like the wind after her!

Image via BBC

Meanwhile Enys will have to cool his heels and wait to learn if he will be fingered for Charlie’s death next week. (The show makes it clear that no one knows exactly how Charlie died, but it’s suggested heavily that Enys is innocent, since that whole dragged off to jail thing.) Because now that Ross is back, it’s time for him… to disappear again. Into the floorboards of his house, of all things, the smuggled goods having been conveniently cleared out. Demelza is now once again called upon for her talents at putting off people who need to be sticking their noses elsewhere. (Perhaps she could thank Elizabeth for the trial run.)

Next: Poldark Season 2 Episode 5 Recap: Blue Christmas

Ross winds up spending a good 48 hours under his own floorboards waiting for the troubles and the worry to pass. But though he may have given folks the slip for now, his time is coming. Jim Vercoe, isn’t going to forget that punch to the face any time soon. And next week’s trailer has what looks to be another Poldark vs Poldark moment with Robin Ellis back as Judge Halse to not be impressed by any of this.