Caturday Blogging: 10 Cats Who May Be Smarter Than Donald Trump

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Black Cat Image via AniBundel/Personal Collection

For this last Saturday before the election, we’ve put together videos of 10 cats who might actually be smarter than Donald Trump.

Election Day has finally (almost) arrived. As of this Saturday, there are just two full days until Tuesday, November 8.

It has been a long, long, long, seriously long election cycle. This one makes the case for legally shortening campaign seasons like never before. Donald Trump came down his shiny Trump Tower escalator almost a year and a half ago.

In other words, election fatigue has probably set in. And probably puts it rather mildly. Pundits on TV have even gotten into the election countdown with some great fervor — they can’t wait for it to be over, just like the rest of us.

However, today is another Caturday, which means that it’s time to step back, appreciate some cats, and also use those videos of cats to casually throw shade at a certain presidential candidate whose hair defies several laws of physics.

Cute cats can actually cure plenty of ills. Even Hillary Clinton knows of their powers, though, as she is quite busy campaigning, she normally turns to GIFs.

So, for this very last Caturday in the election season, sit back, unwind, and enjoy some clever cats getting into some silly hijinx and surprising their humans, presented in no particular order.