10 Ways To Stay Sane For National Novel Writing Month

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Spongebob Squarepants attempting to write his essay. Photo credit Nickelodeon

Bookmark Sites That Will Help Against Writer’s Block

Writer’s block is the worst, and it is an unwieldy behemoth when you have to cram in 1,700 words. Sure, you might have an outline to keep you moving forward, but sometimes you just stare at it and think, “How do I get from this plot point to the next one?”

While the internet is a distracting foe, it can also help. Sometimes writing prompts help to get juices flowing. Google “writing prompts” and see what comes up. Writer’s Digest comes up almost immediately, or here is a helpful Tumblr account (though it is very Halloween-focused right now).

Or if you’re like me and writing prompts don’t always cut it and you just need to get focused, I have the perfect website for you:

Write or Die.

This little puppy has a free version that lets you set your writing goal and the amount of time you want to get it in by. If you are to the point of writer’s block where you just need to power through, 1,000 words in 20 minutes makes it so you pretty much can’t stop typing at any point.

And it gives you consequences where if you stop typing for long enough, the screen turns red. Sometimes you get blaring, annoying sounds. And sometimes it starts erasing your words. It’s a great way to jump over the metaphorical wall.