How 36 Parks And Recreation Characters Feel About This Election

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Courtesy of NBC

Jeremy Jamm

The asshole of Pawnee, the man who literally never did a single thing to help Leslie Knope unless it directly affected him, Jeremy Jamm. Is it really any question who he is voting for? Shall we go through some of the things he’s done?

He literally booed Leslie at her own wedding because he lost out on money. He got drunk, ended up in jail, and ended up playing the victim. Who do you think he’d punch in on the ballot come November 8th?

He’s definitely voting for Trump. Hell, he probably went out of his way to give Trump money and go to a rally in support of him. Jeremy would most definitely be the guy screaming at CNN outside of a rally simply because he thought that’s what Trump would want.

Jeremy Jamm is a pretty terrible person and the series showed that. So why wouldn’t he vote for Donald Trump? Out of every character on Parks and Recreation, Jeremy Jamm is definitely the one who would hands down vote for Donald Trump no questions asked. He has no respect for women and thinks he’s all powerful because he’s a white dude. Of course he idolizes Donald Trump and wants him running the country.