25 reasons why we still love Beetlejuice

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Image via warnerbros.com.

It may not be as scary as American Horror Story or as shocking as The Purge, but 1988’s Beetlejuice is still as perfect as a Halloween movie can get.

A dark comedy about being dead, Tim Burton’s classic Beetlejuice has it all: Creepily bad modern art. Bureaucracy and wait lines in the afterlife. A nice couple who’s found themselves newly dead. An angst-ridden teen wearing black. A gross monster who’s so funny you’d kill to have him at your Halloween party.

It has the perfect cast, from a young Winona Ryder to Michael Keaton at his craziest playing Beetlejuice himself. It has sandworms. It has spooky, swirly things that could only come from the imagination of Burton and a soundtrack that is, at turns, ghastly, delightful, strange, and so much fun. It has ghoulish weddings and the Handbook for the Recently Deceased.

It has ‘80s goth fashion, for God’s sake.

Even though it came out nearly 30 years ago, it’s still making us laugh and sometimes wish we were dead too, if only to sit in that afterlife waiting room and see that one guy shrink someone’s head.

Read on for all the ways Beetlejuice is still making our millennium in 2016, as we cross our fingers that the rumors of a Beetlejuice 2 will become a reality.