47 Most Shocking Moments from The Walking Dead… So Far

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15. Eugene’s Lie

Let’s talk about Eugene (Josh McDermitt), who quickly won over my heart from my minute we were introduced to him. Up until this point, we’re all lead to believe that Eugene is a scientist who is critical to finding the cure to what’s causing all of this. Abraham and Rosita (Christian Serratos) have taken on the task of escorting Eugene to Washington DC so he can save the world.

Eugene is too smart for his own good, and he comes off as such. He became a fan favorite because of his useless knowledge and his attempted jokes to lighten situations.

Until he reveals to Tara that he is purposefully sabotaging things to delay the groups arrival to Washington. Viewers immediately knew that something wasn’t being said. Glenn gets into a fight with Abraham, it somehow comes out that Eugene isn’t a scientist at all, and knows nothing about a cure for the outbreak. He’s been lying all along but felt safe in the hands of Abraham and Rosita.

Not only did this shock me that Eugene was lying. While all of this was happening, flashbacks of Abraham’s life were painting us a better picture of his past. Just before Eugene found him, he was planning to kill himself. So, Abraham owes Eugene his life.