47 Most Shocking Moments from The Walking Dead… So Far

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25. Alexandria Is What It Seems

We’ve seen it before on The Walking Dead. Plenty of times, even. Places are portrayed as “sanctuaries.” They are labeled safe. Look at Terminus. The prison didn’t work out that well either. But is anything really safe on this show? I didn’t think so.

That is until we reach Alexandria. A town proving to be a place Rick’s group can actually start over. It wasn’t easy to get there. Of course, they had trust issues about it. Aaron and Eric (Jordan Woods-Robinson), recruiters for Alexandria, spent a few weeks observing Rick’s group. When they decided that they were safe to invite into the town, Aaron approaches Rick. Rick doesn’t believe it at first, but eventually gives in.

They go through a long and heavy interview process once inside the community. Alexandria’s le5der, Deanna (Tovah Feldshuh), is the one interviewing them, and seems frighteningly normal. Their weapons are taken. They’re given two houses. They’re assigned jobs based on their skills. They live happily ever after.

Just kidding! But they do live happily for a little while. And cannibalism is frowned upon here. So there’s that. This is the closest place to a home that we’ve ever seen on this show, making it an absolute shocker.