31. Morgan Meets Rick Again
Morgan had an interest entrance and storyline. He lost his wife and son, leading him towards a downward spiral. He meets Rick in the beginning episodes, after Rick had just woke up from his coma and was looking for his family. Morgan takes him in for a few days, explaining the walkers and the looming apocalypse.
We don’t see Morgan again until Season 3. Rick, Michonne, and Carl get in a shoot out with a man, who happens to be Morgan. He’s knocked unconscious by a bullet and when he awakes, attacks Rick, claiming that he doesn’t remember him. Eventually, Rick makes him remember. He tries to get Morgan to come back to the prison with them, but he refuses, saying they’ll all die out there.
This is a character who’s in one episode of Season 1, one episode of Season 3, and then comes back in Season 5 as a main character. You rarely see something like that on television. Every time we saw him again, it was a little surprising. We finally see him in Season 5 following Rick’s messages to Terminus. Eventually, he ends up at Alexandria with the rest of Rick’s group, and they’re reunited for seasons to come.