47 Most Shocking Moments from The Walking Dead… So Far

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37. Jacqui’s Suicide

But this is The Walking Dead, and nothing and nowhere is safe on this show.

While they’re all getting quite comfortable at the CDC, Dale notices a digital clock that is counting down, and time is almost up. At first, Jenner doesn’t tell them why the clock is counting down, and even lies about it. They eventually get him to admit that it’s counting down until the fuel runs out in the basement generators, which are keeping the facility running. When the clock hits zero, a decontamination will occur of the entire facility to keep toxic virus’s and disease from spreading. This decontamination means the entire facility will blow up and destroy every living thing inside of it.

Rick’s group quickly packs their things and tries to escape. Jacqui (Jeryl Prescott Sales), one of the group, wants to stay because it’s easier than holding onto hope of finding a brighter future. This happening in the first season was eye opening, and guided the show down a path of no morals, little ethics, and constant questioning. Each character decides their own fate on The Walking Dead. To these characters, suicide isn’t giving up, it’s an option to move on.