Members of the Broadway cast of the musical Hamilton, including Lin-Manuel Miranda (3rd R), creator and star of the show about the first Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton, perform selections of the show in the East Room of the White House in Washington, DC, on March 14, 2016. / AFP / Nicholas Kamm (Photo credit should read NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Images)
9. Making History About Making History
Hamilton and the documentary itself could not come at a better time. In this election year especially, it is important to remember the ideals and dreams our country was founded on. They were making history and so are we every time we vote and carry out the peaceful transition of power from president to president that was started by George Washington.
Two presidents make an appearance in Hamilton’s America. Both men are dealing with their own legacies and how the story of Hamilton and the play fits into that. It’s powerful stuff when put in that context.
Scenes like the one with President Barack Obama, now in his last term, listening to Chris Jackson sing “On Last Time” at the White House are rich with meaning. This play in some ways, wouldn’t have been possible without him. It is emotional, but a necessary to see him go, just like the song says.
Former President George W. Bush also muses about Hamilton’s place in history, but he could very well be talking about his own.
"“That’s the way history works. Sometimes it takes awhile for people to give you credit.”"
That moment with Bush got the largest response from the crowd at the premiere of the doc according to Miranda. It is interesting to see the play framing our own history as well as Hamilton’s. And it will be interesting to see the place it holds moving forward.