30 DIY Halloween Costumes For Empowered Ladies

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Princess Carolyn (voiced by Amy Sedaris) in BoJack Horseman, Screencap via Netflix

Princess Carolyn – BoJack Horseman

Why She’s Awesome: The whimsical world-building, spot-on entertainment industry commentary, and animal puns in BoJack Horseman are just the beginning of a long list of reasons to love the show. Not the least of those reasons is the spunky, hilarious Princess Carolyn, voiced by the equally spunky and hilarious Amy Sedaris.

As agent the title character, Princess Carolyn has it on lock. She is career-driven and loves her work, even as she deals with the unreasonable shenanigans of her equine client. As his ex-girlfriend, she has slightly more problems. Princess Carolyn, like many of us, would rather shove aside her emotions than be vulnerable. As she says to herself, after a particularly bad heartbreak, “Serves you right for having feelings!” Every woman who’s ever been single can relate to that feeling of focusing on your career to leap over the hurdle of your emotions. But Princess Carolyn’s ability to jump back into her life after countless letdowns and setbacks makes her the most admirable cat on TV.

What You’ll Need: Go a-thrifting and find yourself a green dress and a yellow cardigan. Then, use your trusty adhesive felt (available at most craft stores) to cut out a bunch of simple yellow fish shapes to go all over the dress. A brown belt is a subtle addition, but her recognizable necklace/collar can be remade with craft felt, foam, or even paper. You may want to invest in a pink wig to simulate her fancy fur, but definitely fashion some pink cat ears out of craft foam and a headband.

Next Level Move: Bring along a tiny BoJack! Get ahold of a little stuffed-animal horse and clothe it with a blue sweater and black blazer made of felt. Carry it around in your purse, to symbolize Princess Carolyn’s unending superiority over the so-called star.