Image credit: HBO/Helen Sloan
Tansy and Myranda
Tansy, Tansy, Tansy… At some point Ramsay must have realized that their names rhymed, and it was just too cutesy for his liking. After that, it wasn’t going to work out, and so Tansy becomes the bait in his next hunt. By now, the audience is familiar enough with Ramsay’s psychotic tendencies. But while there was some purpose to his torturing of Theon, the suffering Tansy endures is entirely baseless. Ramsay siccs his hounds on her for the fun of it, and proves himself to be a villain of special proportions.
Myranda, meanwhile, isn’t subjected to such terror. One expert shove sends her wheeling from the Winterfell battlements to her death. Theon proves that he’s not completely lost to his own torment when he saves himself and Sansa as such in the Season 5 finale. With Ramsay’s own demise so near, there was little else for Myranda to do but die. Ramsay had taken so much from Theon, so it’s suitable that he took what he could from Ramsay while he could. Sansa’s own readiness for death, rather than lose sight of herself, motivates Theon to find enough of his former strength to do the deed.
It wasn’t a particularly dignified way to go, but Myranda herself was rather savage in life. She’s offered just as little respect afterwards. For however much Ramsay may have cared for her (likely not much), his sentimentality doesn’t reach far enough to respect her remains. And so she’s fed to his dogs, just as Tansy was years earlier.