Is Trump the Weirdest Presidential Nominee Ever?


Trump’s big ties, tiny hands, and other strange details about the Republican nominee. Plus, why you still need to take him seriously.

A recent opinion piece in the Irish Times highlighted a particularly strange aspect of Donald Trump’s wardrobe: his ties. And you know what? They are kind of weird. In fact, Trump’s whole presentation is weird. Let me explain.

In fact, Trump’s whole presentation is weird. Let me explain.

Of course, I don’t mean “weird” in a novelty light-up tie kind of way. That’s not Trump. Say what you will about his love for ostentatious decor or his infamous hair, but at least he understands the basics of a politician’s wardrobe. No, the weirdness is far more subtle. His ties are way too long.

Other publications have picked up on this, too. GQ has been especially eagle-eyed here. While this may sound like fussiness, even small wardrobe details matter.

Typically, style guides dictate that a man’s tie should fall to his waist or belt, and no farther. Trump’s ties, however, have been creeping past that line for months, even years. On Monday’s debate, it appeared as if his tie were three or even four inches below his belt. One might even notice a correlation between the looming election day and the growing length of Trump’s neckwear.

MELBOURNE, FL – SEPTEMBER 27: Donald Trump arrives to a large group of supporters at a Florida airport hanger the day after his first debate with Hillary Clinton on September 27, 2016 in Melbourne, Florida. Trump has lashed out at the debate moderator, his microphone and Hillary Clinton following the at times combative debate. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

Other details about the Republican nominee are also vaguely strange. There’s his hair, of course, and the ubiquitous spray-tan. When interviewed, he prevaricates and hedges his answers. He is caught making some frankly strange faces. His suits, for the money he spends, seem carelessly tailored and styled. For a man who appears to care very, very much about what people think of him, Trump has some truly odd blind spots.

This all takes place a world where presidential hopefuls traditionally agonize over every outfit and strand of hair. Perhaps Trump’s general sloppiness comes out of a desire to relate to the mythical “common man”, who cannot afford a tailored suit for every day of the week.

It could also be that his odd aesthetic combination of rumpled and rich have somehow contributed to his unexpected rise. Former candidate Ted Cruz tried that, too, though it did not help his campaign.

Apparently, he also still feels the sting of reporter Graydon Carter, who wrote about Trump’s small hands for satire magazine Spy. The original article was published more than 25 years ago.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump (L)shakes hands with vice presidential candidate Mike Pence at the end of the third day of the Republican National Convention at the Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland, Ohio on July 20, 2016.

/ AFP / DOMINICK REUTER (Photo credit should read DOMINICK REUTER/AFP/Getty Images)

Carter, who called Trump a “short-fingered vulgarian”, says he still occasionally receives messages from Trump. The businessman-turned-politician sends pictures of himself, hands circled (with gold sharpie, naturally) and writes: “See, not so short!”.

Trump apparently did not take offense at the “vulgarian” portion of the insult.

Even Madeleine Albright seems flummoxed by the nominee. In an interview with MSNBC, the former Secretary of State was reluctant to call Trump a fascist. Instead, she said that “it’s hard to label him anything except weird”.

Other researchers and commentators feel the same way. Language experts are confused by his use of rhetoric and physical gestures. News outlets have launched investigative reports into the nature of Trump’s unnatural hair. His speeches (on a stage! in front of an audience!) often remind me of Michael Winslow from Police Academy.

In general, Donald Trump seems to live in a world of his own creation. Thanks to the current election and America’s addiction to drawn-out political battles, we’ve been transported there with him. In a “normal” world, we would like to think that an overly wealthy, kind of schlubby upper management type wouldn’t have access to the Oval Office. And yet….

At the very least, we would expect someone with ridiculous wealth to have a staff member somewhere who could buy him the correct length tie and convince him to get a better wig or just go bald already. For a man married to a former supermodel, and who (for better or worse) has helmed one of the largest beauty pageants around, this is exceedingly outlandish.

Next: 5 of the Most WTF Moments from the First Presidential Debate

Still, here we are. Donald Trump, with all of his braggadocio, his odd wardrobe choices, and his fantasy of a sideways America, may become the next president. It seems strange even now. At the beginning of his campaign, the mere notion of Trump standing on a debate stage with other nominees was laughable. However, on Monday night, he was standing on a stage next to Hillary Clinton.

So, yes, laugh at his tiny hands and poorly chosen ties. Make fun of his unnatural hair. Seriously, it’s okay to indulge in a moment of levity whenever you can right now. Just remember to take the strangeness a little seriously, too. Something in this fundamentally weird man is resonating with many Americans. That’s nothing to dismiss.