Bon Iver’s Justin Vernon Blasts Beyonce for Pepsi Deal, is Huge Hypocrite


Bon Iver’s Justin Vernon recently called out Beyoncé for her Pepsi deal and will now feel the wrath of the collective internet’s disdain.

Bon Iver has a new album coming out. Who is Bon Iver? Oh, you’re unaware? I’m not surprised. Well, never fear, you’re about to be aware. In an interview with The Guardian to promote the new record 22, A Million, Bon Iver AKA Justin Vernon was “not afraid” to talk about how much he wishes Beyoncé would not take big corporation dollars, citing her Pepsi deal.

"“Like, I’d prefer Beyoncé didn’t do a Pepsi tour,” he says, “Do not take two million dollars from Pepsi and be a role model for young girls. Do not do that. That stuff does anger me. And I feel like I am not afraid to talk about that stuff.”"

This, in his white man’s mind, somehow equates to her being a bad role model for young girls.

Interesting, Justin. How about you take a seat, sir.

First of all, it’s a pretty interesting move for this guy, who once took a Bushmill’s Whiskey endorsement. Sure, he says he later regretted the move. But what’s that they say about those living in glass houses?

Dear Justin, you, sir, are a hypocrite. And the fact that you suddenly wanna talk about this— WHILE PROMOTING YOUR NEW ALBUM— tells me that you’re really stupid but think you’re really smart. Bashing super famous people when you, yourself, are not so super famous is usually an excellent way to get a lot of press for your new project, or your brand, or whatever the hell it is you want to promote.

So you’d “prefer” Beyonce didn’t take 2 million dollars from Pepsi? Tell me, what would you prefer? And try to give an answer that won’t be racist or sexist.

In this case, you messed with the wrong Queen. Her Beyhive is always at the ready to attack whatever haters may come bumbling along.

Let’s also take a second to point out the fact that this guy is talking about a woman of color making a name for herself, brokering huge business deals, and somehow not standing for something? Not being a role model? It’s laughable.

"“I grew up loving bands like the Indigo Girls, and they stood for something, doing benefit shows and talking about shit and changing culture or changing people’s mindsets and raising awareness,” he said. “What’s music for? It’s not about having a bunch of CDs.”"

Hey, Justin, guess what? Beyonce isn’t the Indigo Girls, and just because *you*, white guy, don’t understand what it is Beyonce stands for, doesn’t mean she doesn’t stand for something. It’s almost as if Justin Vernon… dare I say it… is jealous?

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Maybe Justin Vernon needs to actually listen to Beyoncé’s music and be aware of her stance on race relations, sexism, and current politics before he blasts a person for not standing for something.