The Game of Thrones Novel with Illustrations is Everything

Game of Thrones fans rejoice. Here is a sneak peek of the new illustrated version of A Game of Thrones novel you will absolutely have to purchase.

If waiting for the George R. R. Martin novel Winds of Winter has you spiraling down a pit of despair, we have some good news. A new Game of Thrones novel will be available this year. Well, kinda sorta. It is the illustrated version of the first book in the series A Song of Ice and FireA Game of Thrones. The book will be available for purchase October 2016, but you can get a glimpse of some of the gorgeous pictures here.

Ned Stark’s execution, by Magali Villeneuve/Penguin Random House

Ahead of its October 18th release, Vanity Fair got an exclusive look at the new book. The ornate tome is 896 pages long with over 70 images. Most of the pictures depict some of the most iconic moments from the book. A total of six are new full-color commissions, like the one above, which is the depiction of Ned Stark’s execution.

Other artist renderings that will appear in the 20th-anniversary illustration book have been around for some time, like this famous one of how Martin thought the Iron Throne should really look.

The Iron Throne By Marc Simonetti/Penguin Random House

In an exclusive interview with Vanity Fair, long time Game of Thrones editor, Anne Groell was surprised George R. R. Martin kept rejecting the illustrations of the Iron Throne. She explains her meeting with Martin.

"“I ended up going through all the books and pulling every description of the Iron Throne that talked about how it was big and hulking and bestial. I sent all of this to George, and I said, ‘O.K., tell me what I’m missing.’“He finally said, ‘It’s 10 to 16 feet off the ground, with steps going up to it like a slide.’ I said, ‘O.K., nowhere in the books does it say that!’ It’s what I like to call the ‘invisible-head syndrome,’ that authors always think you can see into their head and see the vision that they’ve got. But if it’s not on the page, you’re not going to see it.”"

Artist Marc Simonetti came the closest to what the Iron Throne looks like in Martin’s head. For book readers and show watchers this great insight into the vastness of Martin’s world. The HBO showrunners of Game of Thrones, David Benioff and, D. B. Weiss have done a terrific job bringing Martin’s books to life, but, just a word of warning, if you are expecting the artist renderings to look like the actors who play the characters in the show, you are in for a disappointment. The illustrations are more in keeping with the book than the actual television show.

One noticeable difference show watchers will notice in the illustrations is the age disparity of the Stark children, who were aged up for TV, but here are depicted as their ages from the page.

Ned and Arya By Gary Gianni/Penguin Random House

Next: A Game Of Thrones Tale Of Its Left Behind Actors

The illustrated version of A Game of Thrones novel is a for sure must have for any Game of Thrones fan. It will hopefully tie fans over until Martin finally finishes Winds of Winter. You can check out the Vanity Fair exclusive Game of Thrones illustrations slide show here.