21 Game of Thrones Characters as Disney Songs

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Credit: Helen Sloan/HBO

16. Ramsay Bolton: “Cruella De Vil”

"If she doesn’t scare you No evil thing will To see her is to take a sudden chill Cruella, Cruella She’s like a spider waiting for the kill Look out for Cruella De Vil —101 Dalmatians"

If no other antagonist on Game of Thrones makes you grit your teeth in hatred, Ramsay Bolton will fit that bill. Not even master manipulator Littlefinger recognized the danger he was putting Sansa in when he left her with Ramsay. The man’s sadism knew no bounds or reason. He was a monster for the thrill of it. As he tells Theon whilst torturing him in Season 3, “This isn’t happening to you for a reason—well, one reason. I enjoy it.”

Ramsay is very much, as Roger sings, the “spider waiting for the kill.” He lures his victims and then torments them as he pleases before killing them. If he doesn’t just straight murder them, he wears them down so thoroughly that they don’t know who they are anymore. (See: Theon, and Ramsay’s unsuccessful attempts to rid Sansa of her identity and self-sufficiency.)

Now, Cruella De Vil isn’t a lunatic on quite the same level. But for Disney’s purposes, she makes for an easy likeness to Ramsay. After all, the woman wants to kidnap and murder for the sake of like one coat. She’d skin those puppies just as readily as Ramsay skins whoever he feels like on a given day.

In terms of senseless inhumanity, Cruella is truly the Ramsay Bolton of Disney, just as Ramsay is the Cruella of the Thrones-verse. Not to mention, there’s a special kind of poetic justice in the fact that he gets eaten alive by dogs at the end of Season 6. Really, when you’ve got symbolism like that, this stuff practically writes itself.

Next: More Beer?