After NBC’s presidential forum, Reince Priebus thinks Hillary Clinton should have smiled more, and Matt Lauer is still terrible at his job.
Last night, NBC held a forum for our two presidential candidates to discuss the big issues with serious journalist morning talk show host Matt Lauer. As we have all come to expect from NBC, it was a bit of a disaster. But we’ll get to that in a minute.
The biggest takeaway from last night is that women are not allowed to do anything without a smile. No one is immune from the “you’d be prettier if you smiled more” brigade, not even one of the most powerful women on the planet.
Case in point: Reince Priebus, GOP leader whose name is an anagram of rub ripe nieces, tweeted out his chief complaints against Mrs. Clinton following the forum.
@HillaryClinton was angry + defensive the entire time - no smile and uncomfortable - upset that she was caught wrongly sending our secrets.
— Reince Priebus (@Reince) September 8, 2016
That’s right, America! Your possible future president doesn’t smile enough! We all know that women are supposed to be sweet and shy and subservient and always pleased that men have granted us the right to listen to them speak. For that, we have to show our gratitude by smiling at all times. No one likes a woman that isn’t endlessly cheerful, right? Even when some dickbag reporter is doing a terrible job interviewing you and instead of asking important questions about serious pressing issues he just wants to hear about your email, and you’ve already talked about your email more than Donald Trump talks about himself.
Smile, sweetie! Frowning isn’t a good look for anyone, you don’t want people to think you’re a complex person with a lot of different emotions. You’d hate to give off the image that you are a serious politician who is discussing topics of national security.
Telling women to smile is one of the most basic forms of sexism that women experience every single day. Would you walk past a man on the street who doesn’t look stoked as hell about his life at that moment and say “Hey buddy, buck up! Give us a smile!”? No, you wouldn’t. He would probably punch you in the face, and rightfully so. Yet women are seemingly not allowed to wander freely about without constantly looking pleased as punch about everything. Women exist only to please men and look pretty and when we don’t smile enough, we are failing at both of those jobs. Men only like women when they look happy and complacent and they like to remind us of this every single day.
Some people took it upon themselves to tell Priebus what an idiot and a hypocrite he is.
you're not smiling in your profile pic. Are you a troll? Do you hate people? How dare you.
— Rachael Berkey (@bookoisseur) September 8, 2016
You're right, though, when a commander in chief-to-be is discussing terrorism, combat forces, etc., she should smile more.
— The Esports Guy at PUMA (@NotMattShaw) September 8, 2016
Well Actually…..
Actually, that’s just what taking the office of President seriously looks like.
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) September 8, 2016
As far as the actual forum, that didn’t go so well for anyone. Each candidate was allotted 30 minutes to speak with Lauer and answer questions from the audience. We had the privilege of watching a smart and experienced politician get consistently interrupted and talked over as Lauer blazed through the questions, barely giving Hillary Clinton time to get through a full answer before reminding her that she didn’t have much time to answer. The whole thing was a mess and anyone in Clinton’s position would have been pretty unhappy with how things were going.
On the other hand, we had Donald Trump, who talked in circles to kill time and avoid having to answer any questions substantially. He talked over Lauer and interrupted him several times, and in the end didn’t do himself any favors. Mr. Trump told a few tall tales, as he is wont to do, and Lauer, intrepid journalist that he is, let them slide without any fact-checking or arguments. Smile, Donny, you don’t have to be accountable for any of the crazy things you say! He shouldn’t worry his pretty little head about silly things like national security.
You know who would have handled this situation a lot better? Ann Curry, actual journalist and certified #Girlboss, who doesn’t take crap from anyone. Remember the good old days of the Today Show when she was around to keep everybody grounded and report on real news? Remember when Matt Lauer, bumbling 7th grader in a grown man’s body, felt threatened by Curry and forced her off the show?
Next: Women Ask For Raises, They Just Don’t Always Get Them
This is what we have wrought, America. We gave a guy like Matt Lauer a platform to spread his obnoxiousness across our airwaves, and he took it and ran with it. He ruins the Olympics every year, and now he’s going to make this terrible election year just a little more miserable for all of us.