Harry Potter, Cursed Child and the Problematic Depiction of Women

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The Trolley Witch, before her arms turn into spikes. (Photo: Official Site/Manuel Harlan)

The Trolley Witch

So the nice lady who sells Chocolate Frogs on the Hogwarts Express is actually an indestructible 200 year old Terminator who attacks children trying to exit the train. And also Pumpkin Pasties are hand grenades. How has that never been mentioned before? Ever?

In a play that’s full of very un-Potter like moments, the existence of the Trolley Witch feels like one of the most far-fetched. She seems like a monster of the week from Doctor Who. Or a parody of what a warm, maternal figure should be. There’s something interesting in the decision to transform what is basically your grandmother into a terrifying protective avatar. But, as with a lot of things in Cursed Child, we don’t explore the idea further. We never see the Trolley Witch again, so her existence basically remains a mystery.

Next: Thankfully, McGonagall is still awesome.