20 Classic Films That Could Be Rebooted with Female Leads

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We humbly submit our suggestions for actresses who could own these classic films and lead roles formerly played by men.

Ghostbusters did it recently (without ruining the nostalgia of your childhood). Ocean’s Eleven is about to do it (and the cast to date looks fantastic). Yet the all-female reboot of a classic movie is one that still earns a lot of side-eyeing and pushback from cinema aficionados. When Megan Fox was recently quoted as saying she’d like to play Indiana Jones, the response of the internet was swift and negative. But why are we so quick to dismiss the possibility?

Granted, reboots are kind of a tired concept in Hollywood. It’s understandable that audiences would be experiencing fatigue at the prospect of rehashing a previous idea. That being said, sometimes it’s fun to consider the what ifs, the possibilities of what some of the best classic films could look like if the big star wasn’t a leading man but a leading lady.

Next: Jaws