10 Amazing Female Characters We Met in Star Wars: The Force Awakens

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3. Maz Kanata

Speaking of getting cut short (and we don’t mean that in a derisive way), where has Maz Kanata been throughout the Star Wars saga? How did she get Luke Skywalker’s lightsaber? Why did she never train to become a Jedi? And does she really have a crush on Chewbacca? In short, can we get an entire series starring Lupita Nyong’o as Maz?

In terms of characters who deserve their own spin off series, Maz Kanata may rank as number one. Maz’s story is a long one (over a thousand years long), and we only got a taste of it in The Force Awakens. But the small bit of her personality seen in that film was enough to make us love her to our dying days. She’s sassy, funny, and in possession of an understanding and strength in the Force that might rival Yoda’s in the way she feels it in her heart, if not in her ability to use it. The last time we saw her was in the ruins of her castle on Takodana, but we know we will see her again in Episode VIII. We can’t wait to see what advice, what insight, what sarcasm she deals out on her next adventure.

Next: 2. General Leia Organa