10 Amazing Female Characters We Met in Star Wars: The Force Awakens

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via StarWars.com

4. Captain Phasma

Captain Phasma is simultaneously the most amazing kickass female ever and the biggest disappointment of The Force Awakens. Her potential for badassery was cut undeservedly and cruelly short by being tackled by Chewbacca. They threatened her at gunpoint to lower Starkiller Base’s shields, and stuffed into a trash compactor. This was partly due to the fact that the production did not realize ahead of time what an impact that Gwendoline Christie would make on the fans, both as an actress, and as the character. If they had, they might have utilized her better, instead of originally planning to end her as a call back to the original trash compactor adventure in Episode IV.

The production promises she will return in Episode VIII. We hope she’s hot for revenge with her blaster bolts and fists flying. She’s the captain of the stormtroopers, after all, and you don’t get to that high rank laying down and letting Wookiees and traitors run roughshod over you. What’s unclear is if she will go back to the First Order after having escaped the trash compactor before Starkiller Base imploded on itself, or if she will strike out on her own to track down FN-2187 and get her revenge. But whatever she does, she’s going to make a strong comeback as epic as any male villain’s.

Next: 3. Maz Kanata