10 Amazing Female Characters We Met in Star Wars: The Force Awakens

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via StarWars.com

5. Bazine Netal

Bazine Netal: bounty hunter, fashionista with runway style, and in possession of the most on-fleek eyebrows in both the fictional and real universes. You may recognize her from her brief appearance in the middle of The Force Awakens, when she alerts the First Order of Han, Rey, and Finn’s presence on Takodana, thereby instigating the attack on Maz Kanata’s castle. She’s her own boss, unlike the only other female bounty hunter who speaks in the Star Wars saga, Zam Wesell.

In Attack of the Clones, Zam works for Jango Fett, who kills her when she is about to confess his name to Obi Wan Kenobi and Anakin. But Bazine doesn’t need help to make her own career. She’s ruthless, merciless, and could probably give Boba Fett a run for his money. And if you think she’s using that big guy in Maz’s castle for anything other than a glorified couch, think again.

If you want to know more about her, check out The Perfect Weapon, a short story about Bazine by Delilah S. Dawson.

(Interesting side note that they cast an actress in the role who looks quite a bit like a darker, more evil version of Rey. Is that a deliberate choice by the production and will come into play down the line, or if it’s just happenstance because JJ Abrams just goes for that sort of look.)

Next: 4. Captain Phasma