10 Amazing Female Characters We Met in Star Wars: The Force Awakens

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via StarWars.com

6. Jessika Pava

Girls want to be pilots, too. Though we saw one female pilot flying the Naboo fleet in The Phantom Menace, let’s face it, X-wings are just cooler. And now a female is flying one on-screen.

Jessika Pava is X-wing pilot for the Resistance. She is good enough at what she does to not get blown up in the madness of the Starkiller Base attack run. It takes guts and a cool head to be able to fly a ship into battle, but Jess and the rest of the Resistance pilots make it look easy.

With her awesome flying skills and a well-rounded character arc, Jess could easily become the next Wedge Antilles, an X-wing pilot in the original trilogy who became wildly popular as the main character of several Legends books, despite only having a few seconds of screen time per film. Jess has already appeared in one book, in the prologue and epilogue of the Luke Skywalker-centric middle grade novel Weapon of a Jedi by Jason Fry. A canon book series detailing her and the other Resistance pilots’ exploits against the First Order would be ridiculously fun.

(Also, we highly recommend her character being expanded in the Star Wars universe, since her character in Game of Thrones solely now exists to be made fun of by Diana Rigg.)

Next: 5. Bazine Netal