10 Amazing Female Characters We Met in Star Wars: The Force Awakens

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via StarWars.com

7. Lieutenant Connix

Kaydel Ko Connix is a lieutenant in the Resistance, and we think that’s awesome (and not just because Kaydel is rocking a hairdo inspired by Leia’s classic princess look). Value should not be placed so much on age as on potential and the ability to do your job well. Kaydel may be in the position she is in because there is no one more experienced to do what she does, but on the other hand, she may have been promoted to lieutenant based solely on her personal skills and qualities, regardless of her youth.

One of those qualities, bravery, is another reason we think she’s amazing: it takes a lot of guts for someone so young to forsake opportunities closer to the New Republic center and fight with a Resistance instead. She and all the other young people in the Resistance are the next generation, and they are helping to shape their future. It doesn’t get more exciting than that.

(Also, it’s good to know that Carrie Fisher’s Daughter is able to rock her mother’s iconic hairstyle. These sorts of easter eggs are part of the fun of The Force Awakens.)

Next: 6. Jessika Pava