10 Amazing Female Characters We Met in Star Wars: The Force Awakens

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via StarWars.com

8. Doctor Kalonia

The galaxy also needs doctors, and doctors are one group we have not seen in any form other than droid in any of the Star Wars films, until The Force Awakens. If anything,the presence of a human doctor, after the medical field being populated by droids during the first six films speaks to how far backwards everything went after the fall of the Empire. Doctor Kalonia is the resident physician for the Resistance, and her excellent skills as a healer and a calming presence are obvious in her ability to keep Chewbacca calm while she tends to his wounded arm, which as Finn knows is quite the feat.

Not every person in Star Wars needs to be a warrior. In all the excitement of the “wars” part of “Star Wars,” we forget that the quieter, but no less noble services provided by doctors, nurses, etc., are just as necessary to the well-being of the galaxy at large as those rendered by blasters and starships.

(It also helped that the movie cast legendary Shakespearean actress and BBC legend Harriet Walter to play her. Lady Peter Wimsey’s been busy since she stopped visiting Dowager Duchess Violet Crawley at Downton Abbey.)

Next: 7. Lieutenant Connix