10 Amazing Female Characters We Met in Star Wars: The Force Awakens

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via Lucasfilm

2. General Leia Organa

Not enough can be said about Leia. She’s a princess, a senator, a symbol, a wife, a mother, a sister. She’s Force sensitive, and, in The Force Awakens, a general. Through the course of her long career in war and politics, she has lost her homeworld. She lost her adoptive family, her birth parents, her son, her husband, and, for a little while at least, her brother. Leia even lost her reputation in the senate because of her birth father’s dark legacy (which you should read about in Bloodline by Claudia Gray). There is no end, it seems, to what this woman has endured and continues to endure every day and night. If there was ever a tragic heroine of the series, Leia is it.

Yet she still comes out strong in the end. Her brother Luke thinks the Force manifests itself within her by giving her that strength, and he’s probably right. In fact, if she so chose, she could probably become an even more powerful Jedi than he. It is these qualities, as well as her inborn determination, her vulnerability, her wit, her love, which make her without doubt the strongest character, male or female, in the Star Wars saga.

Next: 1. Rey