20 Best Summer Songs of 2016, Ranked

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6 – Send My Love (To Your New Lover) – Adele

I knew I would love this song the minute I saw Adele’s flowy, floral dress there in the opening. That is a face that says I am done with this bull crap and will have no more. “Send My Love” is one of those break-up songs that ends on the adult note of resignation and forgiveness, a refreshing take for those of us sick of the normal playlist lineup of furious “screw you” summer songs about relationships ending in disaster.

Adele, of course, lends the usual flawless vocals in a melody that’s easy to sing with if you need some catharsis after a break-up of your own. She also spends the entire video just singing–no gimmicks, no backdrops, no story but the one she boldly and snarkily tells. Yes, I smell snark here; the bouncy tempo in the chorus is almost playful. Someday I would like to be very snarky in a fun floral print like that, swishing my skirt to flounce off in a dismissive huff toward someone who has badly upset me. If only we could all be so Adele.

Next: 5 - Rise - Katy Perry