Fans React To Reading Harry Potter and the Cursed Child


Cursed Child has now been out for nearly 24 hours for half of the world. How have they reacted to what might be the final installment of the Potter saga?

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Harry Potter and the Cursed Child has been out in the US for somewhere in the neighbor hood of 15-18 hours, and nearly 24 in England. Fans around the world have had their chance to get their hands on it and start reading. With J.K. Rowling stating that this will probably be the final installment of the Potter saga, the question is: was it worth it?

For many fans on social media the overwhelming reaction seems to have been yes. Whether it was the simple act of getting the book at midnight, seeing Harry’s name on the page, or just allowing Pottermania to go to their heads after trying to resist, many of the naysayers seem to have been silenced this day as those full of joy celebrate the madness of magic,

Check out some of these tweets:

First there was the act of getting it.

For some people the way they got it was a landmark moment in their lives as they realized they like harry had grown up too.

Then there was the act of opening it.

And once they started reading, they couldn’t stop.

Minds were blown. Ships were had.

I’m not going to spoil who she’s shipping. But it’s totally the new ship.

Readers were everywhere:

And not just with hardbacks:

And when they were done?

All. The. Feels.

Happy ones!

But some still wished……

….it was a novel.

(A trilogy even! What did the Star Wars prequels and Lord of the Rings teach us about extra trilogies?!)

Is there any chance J.K. Rowling could be persuaded?

Actually probably not. But I will say that I hope I comes sooner or later to a stage production near me.