Hogwarts House Vs Ilvermorny House Sorting


How do the Ilvermorny Houses correlate to the Hogwarts Houses? Polls suggest it’s a mixed bag.

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It’s been 72 hours since Pottermore introduced the brand new sorting ceremony for the American Wizarding School, Ilvermorny. Tons of Potterheads have rushed to take the quiz and find out where their house would be if they were to attend this institution. But the real question is, do the Houses in Ilvermorny have direct correlations to the ones at Hogwarts?

For many fans, one’s Hogwarts house helps define them, and what kind of wizard or witch they are, just as much as their wands do. And when the Ilvermorny house names leaked a month ago, we assumed that there would be a correlation. Thunderbird? Clearly this bird would equal Hogwart’s bird, Ravenclaw. Horned Serpent? Slytherin! (Considering Isolt’s relations, that’s not actually all that far off.) Wampus Cat? The Gryffindor lion. And Pukwudgie? Well, if that wasn’t as silly as the name Hufflepuff, what was?

As a lifelong Hufflepuff, I assumed I would be in Pukwudge–especially aftre we read the sotry and learned it was the house named by a muggle. (It doesn’t get much more “And I’ll take the rest and teach them all the same!” than that.) So imagine my shock when I was sorted into Thunderbird…..and my Ravenclaw sister was *also* sorted into Thunderbird…..and my Gryffindor co-writer was *ALSO* sorted into Thunderbird.

It turns out Rowling isn’t kidding. The sorting has been completely different than we fans expected. And now, thanks to the Hogwarts Runners Club, we have hard numbers to prove it.

According to Hypeable, the HRC conducted a poll of their 1100+ members had been sorted versus their Hogwarts houses, and did charts breaking down who went where. The results are startling.

Let’s start with Gryffindor, since it was the main house featured in the Harry Potter series. Nearly 80% wound up in either Thunderbird or Pukwudgie, with just over 36% each. That’s a surprisingly even split between two houses, but not as surprising as….

….the fact that Hufflepuff *also* has nearly the exact same numbers. Their sorting into Thunderbird is slightly higher than Pudwudgie, but by less than a 2% spread, which is basically your margin of error.

That means from the first two houses, nearly everyone went to either Thunderbird or Pukwudgie, and in equally split numbers, suggesting that Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors share far more in common than one might think.


Ravenclaw did not tip those numbers the other way. They *too* had the majority sorted into Thunderbird. Does that mean the quiz is weighted in favor of Thunderbird? Not only that, but, like Hufflepuff, they had over 40% go to Thunderbird. That means three out of four Hogwarts houses had more than a third of their members all sorted into the same house. Meanwhile, Wampus has barely cracked 10% for any house, and Horned Serpent is also struggling, with 25% or less.

One would think Slytherin would make up Horned Serpent’s numbers–especially since the “best part of Slytherin went to America”, but the numbers don’t bear that out. Instead Slytherin find themselves almost evenly split between all four houses (again, Wampus is the loser, with 19%, and Thunderbird has a slight majority with 28%) This suggests that Slytherin’s influence touches all facets of Ilvermorny, even to this day.

Now, this could also just be a case of Wampus types not being the types who run–after al, this is a Runners Club, so there is some self selection int he poll. I would love it if Pottermore would release the full data base so we could get a full picture. But for now, this will have to do.

Next: Local College by Ilvermorny Chuffed to Learn of their Neighbors

What house were you sorted into? Does there seem to be a domination of Thunderbirds in real life, or is that just because they like running more than the other three houses? Sound off in the comments.