Five of Taylor Swift’s Best Tweets That Prove She’s Just Like Us

Celebrities! They’re just like us, right? In the following five tweets, Taylor Swift proves that she shares our loves and struggles!

You think the lives of stars are all glamour and vacation? Wrong! OK…maybe their lives are a little more luxurious than ours, but Taylor Swift is tweet-proof that she goes through the same issues that we do.

What better way to spend the weekend than with Netflix by your side? Sometimes, all you need to achieve happiness is a comfy couch, food, and a remote control – and no one understands this better than Taylor. Also, ladies, are you tired of your disappearing hair ties? So is Taylor.

It was tough to narrow all of Taylor’s awesome tweets to only five, but here they are!

Next: The Time She Binge-Watched CSI

Binge-Watching = Happiness

Binge-watching? What did I say? Celebrities…they’re just like us! OK, some of them lately think they’re a little too cool, but one of the things we all love about Taylor is how chill she is.

There truly aren’t many things that are more relaxing than kicking back and binge-watching your favorite series. Taylor Swift isn’t afraid to admit that being a couch potato can equal happiness.

Next: Who Doesn't Love Being a Couch Potato?

Food? TV? Yes, Please! 

Taylor didn’t stop after her CSI marathon. A couple of years later, Taylor proves that staying in and watching TV is one of her all-time favorite activities – and she seems to be into solving mysteries.

Food, TV, a blanket, and your cuddly four-legged pal? Perfection.

Next: Girls, We Know About This All Too Well

Lost A Hair Tie Lately?

Who hasn’t lost a hair tie? It’s like a weekly occurrence! Just like missing socks, these things disappear out of nowhere! The only difference between Taylor Swift’s lost hair ties and ours is that hers are probably more valuable if found.

Next: Did Someone Say Cookie Dough?

Netflix, DVDs, YouTube…We Love Them All 

When it’s not Netflix or DVD’s, there’s always good ol’ YouTube! It looks like Taylor Swift isn’t the only gal that loves to watch adorable cat videos. And have you seen her cats? Totally adorable! The above tweet is from 2011, but Taylor wasn’t kidding, as we know her love for kittens still lives.

Next: We've All Been There

Horror Film Trailers – We’ve All Been There

You know when October rolls around you are no longer safe at night. No matter what show you are watching on TV, a horror film trailer will pop up during the commercials – guaranteed. We’re not the only one’s who don’t look forward to creepy dolls and ghost children on our screens, but so does Taylor Swift!

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