Remembering some of Michonne’s best moments on The Walking Dead

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Michonne is leaving The Walking Dead, and we were never prepared for this news. While we attempt to prep for her on-screen departure, we’re reviewing a few of her most iconic moments on The Walking Dead.

Danai Gurira is about to put up her katana for good and exitThe Walking Dead, according to The Hollywood Reporter. We’d say cue the tears, but we all know you’ve been crying since you first read the news. There’s no shame in that.

This is also bittersweet news because we love Gurira as an actress, and we’re so excited to see her appear in upcoming films such as Black Panther 2. But not seeing her anymore on The Walking Dead is hard to fathom.

As soon as Michonne entered the televised The Walking Dead scene in season 3, we couldn’t imagine a series without the empowering fighter, leader, and mother. We’re not ready to say goodbye to Michonne in any context because we’re still hopeful that her character won’t be written out of the show indefinitely; however, it gave us an excuse to rewatch some of her most memorable scenes.

Now that we’re reappreciating Michonne’s character development and katana-wielding kick-buttery, we’re commemorating her best moments throughout Walking Dead‘s on-screen history. Yes, we’re sobbing while we write this. Let us cope how you want, okay?

Michonne’s epic entrance into the walker-filled world

There’s a standard power stance, and then there’s Michonne’s power stance. After making her debut in S2E13, along with her de-jawed walkers, we not only met Michonne’s sword fighting prowess — we also met her canon compassion. While her empathy was still cloaked by her protective facade, the first time we met Michonne, she saved Andrea from walkers and from a serious illness.

Stopping the Governor and saving Rick

Sure, Michonne’s saved Rick plenty of times, just like Rick’s saved Michonne. They’ve both protected and saved in others in the broadest sense of that word. It’s one of the reasons we love their coupledom.

With our Richonne ship aside, watching Michonne stab the Governor through his chest before he attempted to kill Rick was an iconic moment in Walking Dead history. Although Lily ultimately delivered the shot that killed the Governor, watching Michonne stab the Governor was an alleviating moment in her revenge arc against one of the many convoluted antagonists in the series.