Jodie Whittaker is our SDCC Wonder Woman of the Week and a huge inspiration


Thanks to her making sure fans know how she’s bringing a new era to Doctor Who at SDCC 2018, Jodie Whittaker is our Wonder Woman this week.

From the start, we here at Culturess have been nothing but excited to hear that Jodie Whittaker is the Thirteenth Doctor on Doctor Who. But this is the first year that she made the trip to San Diego Comic-Con. Fortunately, she’s made sure to show her focus is on the fans and making the best debut season for Thirteen that she can. It’s why she’s our Wonder Woman of the Week.

Of course, we have to talk about that panel. Not only did it show the very first trailer for the new season, coming later this year, but she made sure to talk about what it means to be the first woman to play the role of the Doctor. She even admitted that she had some mistakes of her own — including still thinking of the Doctor as male during the auditioning process — but that she’s adapting just like the rest of us.

But her special appearance at the Her Universe fashion show really sealed the deal and put her commitment to letting everyone enjoy Doctor Who. Here’s a fan-taken video of her saying that anyone can dress as her Doctor, whatever age or gender they may be:

We shouldn’t have to have a star saying that, or, more accurately, we hope that one day we won’t need stars to say things like that. But the fact that she is willing to go out there and simply say that Doctor Who is for everyone means a lot. If it gives just one fan the courage to go out wearing something inspired by Thirteen, then it’s all worth it.

Next: Why Jodie Whittaker's pay parity is important

We have the sense that it’ll give a lot more than one fan the strength to dress like Thirteen. Good on you, Jodie. Here’s to your first season of Doctor Who in the fall.