20 funny comics to lighten your mood and make you laugh

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Harley Quinn and Power Girl Vol. 1 cover (Image via DC Comics)

20. Harley Quinn and Power Girl

This may seem to be at least somewhat unsurprising, at first glance. I mean, Harley Quinn is the female counterpart to the Joker. Her whole thing is humor and general wackiness, right?

Alas, that so often goes wrong. Remember that Harley is part of the Batman series. As much as we love Batman, that man’s world gets pretty dark, pretty fast. Even the Joker is more apt to be creepy and scary than, you know, funny. Poor Harley is often relegated to the realm of evil sidekick.

Thankfully, there’s Harley Quinn and Power Girl. Yes, that Power Girl. You know, the one with the unfortunate costume who has been the subject of many rightfully angry screeds about ridiculous female superhero costumes. She, too, has been pushed to the background of many superhero comics. But what if the pair teamed up?

That’s what happens in this six-issue miniseries. Essentially, Harley Quinn wants to see what it’s like to be a “good guy” for once. So, she ends up tricking an amnesiac Power Girl into accompanying her across the galaxy. Harley convinces her that the pair is actually a crime-fighting duo. Within the Harley comic series, they briefly transport to another dimension. Seriously, they’re gone for a grand total of two panels.

But, in between those panels, the pair have gone on a groovy sci-fi adventure that takes up six issues. It’s full of self-aware humor, including some very frank acknowledgments of Power Girl’s costume. And for all that DC Comics historically loves to make things grim and dark, Harley Quinn and Power Girl is great, light-hearted fun.