Apple reveals iPhone 7 will not have a headphone jack


Newest iPhone will come with wireless Air Pods instead. Now men will need another article to learn how to talk to women wearing those

Apple revealed the new iPhone 7 today with the usual crop of fancy features: a better camera (12 megapixels!), better battery life, swim-proof case, and a shiny black finish. But they’re taking away our headphone jack!

Instead of the classic white iPhone earbuds you’ve grown to love, the new iPhone 7 will instead come with new headphones that will plug into the recharging port, or wireless Air Pods. (I’m assuming they didn’t call them Air Buds because nothing will top this Air Bud.)

What does this mean for all those iPhone users out there? Well, you’re probably going to lose the Air Pods real quick.

I lose my headphones on the regular and those at least have cords to keep them together.

The loss of the iPhone 7 headphone jack is also bad news for businesses like Square. Square makes a card reader for processing credit and debit cards that plugs right into the headphone jack on your phone. It’s great for small businesses and artists at conventions or craft shows, but will become useless for any iPhone user who switches to the new model.

Reporters will also be thrown under the bus. Many journalists use the headphone jack to plug in an external microphone.

SAN FRANCISCO, CA – SEPTEMBER 07: Apple CEO Tim Cook announces the new Apple iPhone 7 during a launch event on September 7, 2016 in San Francisco, California. Apple Inc. is expected to unveil latest iterations of its smart phone, forecasted to be the iPhone 7. The tech giant is also rumored to be planning to announce an update to its Apple Watch wearable device. (Photo by Stephen Lam/Getty Images)

Selfie sticks will be affected too! Lots of selfie sticks connect to your phone via the headphone jack. With the iPhone 7, that headphone jack option won’t be there. The improved selfie camera is nice, but my arms are only so long.

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Apple seems to be thinking that wireless is the wave of the future, and that may be true. But it’s another example of Apple doing away with an industry standard in favor of proprietary technology. That set of headphones you use with every other piece of tech you have? Nope, can’t use that with your iPhone. Sorry. Buy this special dongle instead.