Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Gina Linetti leaves the Nine-Nine with a gift


She’s been there from the start, always ready with a dance routine. But this week, we got ready to say goodbye to Gina Linetti on Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

Gina Linetti is a great example of what a fictional character can mean to us all, and watching her say goodbye on Brooklyn Nine-Nine was an emotional ride. Much like everything that Gina did at the Nine-Nine, she made a production out of her departure.

Jake convinced her that she had dreams bigger than the Nine-Nine, and even when she decided to leave, Holt and company tried to convince her that she hadn’t thought this through. Mainly because she has a daughter now and she’d need health insurance and income for her daughter.

Still, Gina was convinced that this was the best thing for her. Throughout the episode, she gave everyone their “Gina moments,” just little instances that they could remember her by that left a lasting message. For Holt, it was through a chess game. Amy and Rosa, through making Rosa feel her emotions and telling Amy that she had to just be herself. But Jake and Terry?

Those were very much the real Gina moments. Jake and Gina go to try and get a celebrity guest for her party but, in the process of doing so, Gina tells Mario Lopez to leave, surprising Jake. And her moment to him was to give him kicking a celebrity out of a party.

Though it seemed as if Terry wasn’t going to get a moment, Gina’s moment for him was actually very sweet and poignant. Terry got a yogurt subscription to places all over the world for the next year, letting him eat his favorite thing while thinking of Gina.

Is the show going to be the same with Gina? Not at all. She provided a wonderful relief from the detectives, just a character who loved her coworkers and loved to be out there and weird while still staying true to herself.

Gina and Jake were a beautiful example of how you show that two characters have grown up together and manage to have very similar ideas about things. Gina was always there for him, and he her. So now that she’s going to be gone from the Nine-Nine, are we going to see her at all?

She didn’t leave Brooklyn, just her job. So maybe we’ll still have little Gina moments throughout the series, just not what we’ve grown accustomed to. Look, we just don’t want to say goodbye to Gina, okay? She’s one of the greatest characters on television. So if we want to pretend like she can still come and hang out with the Nine-Nine from time to time, let it happen. Gina would like that we still want her to come around because come on, it’s Gina Linetti. She’d love us being sad.

Next. Brooklyn Nine-Nine may tackle #MeToo in upcoming season. dark

Miss Gina Linetti already? Wish she was back? Let us know what you think, and check back here on Culturess for more news, reviews, and more on Brooklyn Nine-Nine.