10 of the best Spider-Man video games ranked

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Over the last 30 to 40 years, we have seen plenty of video games released featuring Spider-Man. But which are the best? We rank our top 10 games featuring our favorite neighborhood wall-crawler.

Spider-Man has been a comic book favorite for years, and with a string of live action movies to his name, this is a character that has a lot of street credit as well. As a video game character, it can be a lot of fun diving into his world and swinging around the city or beating up bad guys.

Over the years, there have been plenty of video games featuring our favorite neighborhood wall-crawler. And while we chose to focus on games that were solo adventures for our hero, there are also plenty of amazing options out there featuring Spider-Man, whether he is there as a supporting character or as a full member of a team.

With just the right powers for a fun game that keeps us playing for hours, a history that has us rooting for the character, and a versatility that makes gameplay interesting, these are our top 10 video games starring Spidey.

10. Venom/Spider-Man: Separation Anxiety (1995)

Platforms: SNES, PC, Sega Genesis

There is something to be said for a game that gives us not only our favorite wall-crawler, but also some of his best antagonists. And while Venom is a true anti-hero in the comics, we do love seeing these two go up against each other, which gives this game a boost into our top 10 video games list. This two-player game was fun for a while, and for fans of combat games; it does remain an enjoyable entry in the character’s arsenal.

9. Spider-Man: Edge of Time (2011)

Platforms: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, Nintendo DS and 3DS

One of the best aspects of this game is the fact that it features a costume that is so realistic that it puts many other games to shame. As a sequel to Shattered Dimensions, it doesn’t really add much more to the story line, which is a bit disappointing — but having two versions of the character, our Peter Parker and the hero from 2099, makes this interesting enough to overlook a lot of its faults.

8. Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions (2010)

Platforms: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC, Wii, Nintendo DS

The reason Shattered Dimensions comes in higher than its sequel is the fact that it is a game that truly honors the history of the character and the mythology surrounding him. Although the overall gameplay could be confusing, you got a video game that seemed to be multiple mini-games all brought together. And as an added bonus you didn’t have just one Spider-Man, thanks to bringing together of multiple universes.

7. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)

Platforms: PlayStation 3 and 4, Xbox 360 and One, PC, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS

Released in 2014, this game was loosely based on the movie of the same name (you know, back when Andrew Garfield played Spider-Man on screen). It was also a direct sequel to the first The Amazing Spider-Man game, and featured some excellent graphics, even as it remained flawed. We enjoyed this game, but we admit to feeling like it was the same as other entries featuring our wall-crawler, because we really were doing the exact same things over again. At the same time, the graphics and gameplay redeemed the game as a whole, at least enough for us to rank it in the top 10 of games released.

6. Spider-Man (2000)

Platforms: PlayStation, PC, Nintendo 64, Dreamcast, Game Boy Color

Perhaps the best part about this particular video game is listening to Peter Parker crack jokes and make witty comments. While this game does not live up to later games in terms of graphics and gameplay, this game was a fan favorite thanks to the cameos and the humor. Basically, this was a game made for the fans by other fans.