17 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About Sherlock

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Benedict Cumberbatch and his perfect hair in “Sherlock” Season 2. (Photo: BBC)

Benedict Cumberbatch Hates His Sherlock Hair

This is probably the most depressing item on this list, but it is nevertheless true. Sherlock star Benedict Cumberbatch can’t stand his Sherlock Holmes hair. Yes, the signature curls that literally every other person on the planet loves. (And probably wants to run their fingers through.)

“I was short and blonde in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, and I really, really didn’t like coming back to this hair for this second series,” he told Caitlin Moran in The Times in 2011. “I can’t think of a wittier or even accurate comparison, but I just think it makes me look a bit like… a woman.”

Cumberbatch talks about how much he hates the Sherlock hair fairly often, actually. Before Victorian one-off special The Abominable Bride aired in 2015, he told the Independent that he was “thrilled” when he learned he’d be playing an 1890s version of Holmes. “At last, I could get a haircut.”

First world problems, friend.

Honestly, can Cumberbatch’s judgment even be trusted on this issue?  Generally, he seems to favor a rather aggressively slicked back, generally boring hair style, one which says he has no idea what actually looks good on him.  In summary: The curls are much, much better.

Another thing you might not know? The modern-day segments of Abominable Bride feature Cumberbatch in a wig. It feels a little bit like a betrayal, doesn’t it?  Let’s hope he doesn’t get any ideas about repeating this action in future seasons.