2024 is almost upon us and with that comes tons of new and exciting books including Do What Godmother Says by L.S. Stratton.
When I was pitched this book by the publisher, I was immediately intrigued. It was in large part due to the title because it gave me a specific idea of what the book would be. In addition, the concept was utterly brilliant which we’ll discuss in a moment.
With that being said, I’d like to thank Union Square & Co for not only allowing me to showcase the book’s beautiful cover but also sharing an excerpt with me. If the cover doesn’t pull you in, that excerpt sure will.
Whether you’re planning ahead for 2024 or already have a list of books you want to preorder, you’ll want to make sure that Do What Godmother Says is on your list.
Read the first two chapters of Do What Godmother Says by L.S. Stratton!
While I’ve already featured the cover, I wanted to include the full image above as it’s just stunning. I just can’t get over all of the small details and I have to applaud the cover artist, Lisa Amoroso who did such an amazing job. No doubt it’s an incredibly difficult job but I feel like this cover really gives just enough without giving away too much. Hopefully, my fellow readers will understand what I mean.
If seeing the gorgeous cover wasn’t enough, the publisher also shared an excerpt with us. Since the excerpt is pretty long, I’m going to give you the chance to read the first two chapters. This book is also split into different parts so I wanted to mention that before sharing the excerpt.
Chapter 1 of Do What Godmother Says is following Essie and that’s in New York City on March 9th, 1928.