Xbox Games with Gold is still surviving, still rolling along as one of your gaming subscription options. For how long? Well, we ask ourselves that question almost every single month. Is the service still worth it without the two additional Xbox 360 games?
Was it really worth it before?
Regardless, Microsoft keeps doling out new games each month, so here are your free games for December and the dates they’re available to download:
- Colt Canyon, December 1 to 31
- Bladed Fury, December 15 to January 14

December highlights for Xbox Games with Gold members
First up is Colt Canyon, which was released in 2020. This is a top-down rogue-like shooter that’s set in a pixel-art Wild West. With randomized levels, fast-paced combat, and a very unique pixel art style, you’ll want to make sure your fingers are ready to go. There are multiple characters to choose from, over a hundred different weapons, and plenty of upgrades for your arsenal.
Plus you get some fun spaghetti western music as your background soundtrack. If you’re a fan of Hotline Miami, you’ll be interested in Colt Canyon.
Next is Bladed Fury, which was released in 2018. This is your 2D side-scroller that’s inspired by Chinese mythology. It pits an exiled princess (Ji) against the heads of a military coup that overthrew her family and murdered her father.
There’s some fun surrealism in this game as you use the mythic powers of the “Soul Silvers.” You’ll take on armies of monsters and some insanely formidable bosses. It’s a solid action-adventure platformer.
This is honestly a better month for Games with Gold than usual just based on overall scores at Metacritic, but with the stellar PlayStation Plus offerings, anything pales in comparison. And with that rake hike that Microsoft attempted last year, who knows for how long Games with Gold will hang on?
November’s free game of Dead End Job is available to download through December 14th.