22 of the most iconic moments in Big Brother history
3 – Vanessa evicts Austin (barefoot)
One of our favorite modern seasons (as well as one of the show’s most underrated players) cracks the top three with this iconic moment – Vanessa evicting Austin in Big Brother 17.
After playing as allies all season long, Vanessa was put in a tough spot as Head of Household when the vote was tied, and she had to be the sole deciding vote to evict her fellow houseguest Austin. Although she knew her plan all along, Austin had no idea his eviction was coming and was so sure that he was going to survive the night that he didn’t bother changing out of his pajamas or putting on shoes.
Once Julie revealed that the vote was a tie, Vanessa broke it in favor of Steve – leaving a stunned, furious Austin to walk out the front door shocked and barefoot.