3. Voldemort
No list of greatest movie villains of all-time will ever be complete again without adding Voldemort from the Harry Potter series. Whether referred to by “he who shall not be named” or his actual name, Voldemort was a presence throughout the movies, even when he wasn’t in a scene. If you think about it, we didn’t even see him for a lot of the series, and yet he struck fear into the hearts of many a wizard.
Here was a villain whose name alone caused people to be afraid and look over their shoulder. Characters did not want to say his name out loud because invoking it could call him to you. And that makes him one bad dude.
From his less than human appearance, to his unwavering dedication to destroying Harry Potter, Voldemort might be the ultimate bad guy. After all, he was literally trying to kill a child and did in fact cause the death of many children. It is hard to deny that someone like this is a true villain, and perhaps that is what makes him such a fascinating character, his ability to be ruthless.
When it comes to the ultimate villains, Voldemort has to lead the charge, because he was willing to cut down anyone and anything in his path for his goals. He killed without a sense of discretion or remorse, because for him the ends justify the means. And since he never thought he was doing anything wrong, it ultimately makes him as bad as any other villain we have watched in the movies.