10 can’t-miss crime documentaries you can watch on Netflix right now

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Conversations With A Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes

Theodore Bundy is one of the most well-known serial killers in the history of the world. He ranks high on the list next to Jeffrey Dahmer and Jack the Ripper. And, that is why this 2019 Netflix original documentary, Conversations With A Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes, was such a hit with doc-crime lovers everywhere.

Netflix, as always, provides audiences with a documentary that is entertaining as well as informative. It tells the story of Ted Bundy from when he was young to the man you see today. The format of this film consists of interviews with Ted Bundy himself, psychological and criminal experts, and actual footage of Bundy and his trials.

After seeing this documentary, viewers were shocked to see how “charming” this man really was, which is what allowed him to get away with what he was doing for so long. Bundy was a well-educated sweet-talking guy who liked to be in control. Though, the people around him couldn’t see the evil in the man and how his need for control could potentially harm others until it was too late.

If you are looking for a crime documentary that will give you some insight into an infamous story then this film is right up your alley.