Doctor Who preview: Cabin in the woods


Doctor Who returns to a contemporary setting this week with an episode focused on a mysterious cottage in Norway. We have no idea what’s going on here either.

Doctor Who returns to a contemporary setting this week, which means we, as viewers, are once again totally in the dark about what to expect.

“It Takes You Away” is the penultimate episode of season 11 (sniff), but since we’re not really telling an overarching story this year, it appears that this installment will just continue our standing pattern of monster of the week mysteries. For the record, that has really gone rather well this season, but whew, it’s been a workout for those of us trying to come up with copy for our episode previews.

Because, once again, we have no idea what’s happening in this episode, or what to expect from it. Other than we’re back in the present day on Earth once again. (The pattern this season has generally been to follow a historical story like “The Witchfinders” or “Demons of the Punjab” with a contemporary or futuristic tale.)

The official synopsis sets up the story, which seems to focus on a mysterious cottage, a trapped girl and a monster that lurks in the woods.

"On the edge of a Norwegian fjord in the present day, the Doctor, Ryan, Graham and Yaz discover a boarded-up cottage and a girl named Hanne in need of their help. What has happened here? What monster lurks in the woods around the cottage – and beyond?"

The episode trailer further establishes the story’s creepy setting, but doesn’t tell us much more than that.

After an episode in which the real villain was as much the attitude of the humans involved in the story as it was the mud aliens trying to escape their ancient prison, I’m certainly ready for a good old fashioned scary story again. How about you?

light. Related Story. Doctor Who: Are there too many people in the TARDIS?

Doctor Who season 11 continues Sunday, Dec. 2 at 8 EST on BBC America.