The 10 scariest monsters from Doctor Who’s classic and modern era

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Always a family favorite for spooky entities, we’re counting down Doctor Who’s top 10 scariest monsters to date from the classic and new era.

Doctor Who, as a family show, has always had the reputation of being a program best watched from behind the sofa, or at least requiring the viewer to have a blanket handy to hide behind when things get really spooky.

The show, through its 37 seasons and 55-year-legacy (dating back to the very first episode in 1963), has had its fair fill of various monsters, ghouls, ghosts and aliens. Though its most famous villains, the Daleks, are the scariest thing that can be created out of kitchen supplies, they won’t be appearing on this list.

They’ve been knocked off the top ten by monsters which get under your skin, invade your psyche and perhaps most of all, actually scare the Doctor. Like the Ood (scary appearance but with hearts of gold), the Sontarrans (weird looking but not particularly frightening once you know how to defeat them) and the Slitheen (gross, but actually quite useless), the Darleks sadly just don’t make the cut.

A fair few on the list are creations from long-time Doctor Who showrunner Russell T. Davies, a genius at creating creatures that scare you witless. However, we’ve also dug up a few creepy delights from the yesteryear of the Doctor Who archive. The show has always been creative, even in a time where visual effects were non-existent, and the costume department has always worked overtime to create unique monsters every single time.

So without further ado, prepare for a scare with our countdown of Doctor Who monsters.