20 best original songs from TV, from The Simpsons to Empire

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“Soft Kitty”

The show: The Big Bang Theory

This long-running sitcom is one of the most beloved on television. Maybe that’s because it’s the story of a handful of societal underdogs, but it’s more likely because it’s just funny and heartwarming. The breakout character of the show, Sheldon Cooper, is the socially awkward genius that is equal parts annoying and endearing.

We’ve watched as he’s evolved into a (mostly) well-adjusted man with a successful relationship and devotion to his friends. Sheldon’s backstory is a fan favorite, even spawning its own spinoff/prequel in another popular CBS show, Young Sheldon.

The song: “Soft Kitty (Warm Kitty)” – (“The Pancake Batter Anomaly,” season 1)

Although the song wasn’t technically written for the show, it’s popularized it in a way that kind of makes it its own. It was adapted from a Polish folk song, and a version appeared on the (mostly unknown) children’s program Play School, but Sheldon’s version has its own individual charm.

Sheldon’s mother sang this song to him when he was a child and wasn’t feeling well. You can see this very scene in Young Sheldon, if you so wish. As a grown man, Sheldon often still relies on traditions from his boyhood, and he’s asked his adult friends, Penny particularly, to sing this to him when he gets sick. It’s not a complicated or particularly meaningful song, but it’s undeniably catchy.

Best (and in this case, the only) lyric(s):

“Soft kitty, warm kitty
Little ball of fur
Happy kitty, sleepy kitty
Purr, purr, purr”