First day of school: The students return to Hogwarts

Hogwarts is officially back in session as the students return to school! And what a journey it always is to go back to witches and wizards.

When the students get ready to go back to Hogwarts, we get excited. Not only do we get to explore the magic with them but, for some of them, it is their first time there. September 1 marks the first day of school every year and it is important for Harry Potter fans everywhere.

Imagine being a student at Hogwarts and seeing the castle for the first time. It’s a wonderful thing because first years get to travel across the lake on boats in order to see it in all its glory for the first time. Which is understandable, it is something everyone has to experience.

For most fans though, we just like to think about the excitement of what it must be like to be on the Hogwarts express and be heading towards all the wonderful things they’d heard about growing up. (Unless they’re muggle born then they just get to experience everything without knowing what to expect.)

It reminds us every year that it was the happiest Harry had ever been. Every year, when he left the Dursley’s and got to head home, he could escape and be with those who loved him most back at Hogwarts. This was the time of year to celebrate Harry and everything that he was learning and so, every September 1, we like to think about the new students going to Hogwarts.

That and we all still wish we were one of them.

Good luck to the students of Hogwarts on their first day! Maybe you’ll run into Albus and Scorpius as they are running from the Slytherin common room!