Discover the most popular movie the year you were born

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The last 50 years have gifted us with tons of cinematic classics. Find out which movie was the most popular the year you were born!

The most popular movies of a year can always be a hot topic of discussion between family and friends. You may find a movie to be popular because it’s the most talked about film in your inner circle. Or perhaps it was a Box Office smash?

Every year, there is arguably one movie that dominates all others. Kind of like the way we obsess over our horoscopes and astrological profiles, there’s something interesting about knowing the most popular movie the year you were born. For instance, my favorite Disney movie also happens to be the movie that came out the year I was born.

With that, it means that everyone has a year that secretly means something to them. Or maybe it is just fun to look at what was important in the world of cinema when you came into this world. Full disclaimer though for this list: We stayed away from giving away the most popular movie to sequels and series — Lord of the RingsPirates of the Caribbean and all, you were big hits but you also can’t have everything.

Taking a look from 1968 to 2018, each of these movies is important for a reason. They’re obviously beloved, and many have become cult classics and movies we could binge over and over to this day. Find out which movie was the most popular the year you were born!